
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dinosaur Party! RAWR!!!

Okay, I am SO not used to posting regularly! I've got to get my system back in order...

Anyways, March was my Little Man's 5th Birthday!! I couldn't believe it! It really doesn't seem possible that 5 years have already come and gone since I became a mother! Isn't he handsome?? ;)

Well, anyone that knows this energetic little tyke, knows that he LOVES dinosaurs! He loves that they run around screaming, so they naturally became his mascot. He begged me to let him be a dinosaur for Halloween. I wasn't sure I could pull it off, but we made it work, and he was the happiest kids alive. For his birthday this year, I let him pick his theme for the first time (last year we didn't have a big party because we had just moved, and before that he didn't really get what was going on), and he of course, picked a dinosaur theme.

Now, as a mother who likes to plan parties, I was a little disappointed because I thought, "Dinosaurs?? How do I make that cute??"

But soon my brain started tinkering, and I was finding ideas right and left, that left me thrilled to be putting on a dinosaur birthday, against my expectations!

We went with a grass green, and navy blue striped color scheme, with little tan accents here and there.

These were the invites. Super simple. I created the inside on my computer, had them printed off in 4x6's. Then I took regular 8.5x11 green paper, cut it in half, hamburger style, and placed the picture in the middle, folding each side over the picture for a 3-way fold. Then, I added a strip of teeth I cut out myself onto the top flap, and stuck the name labels that i also created on my computer on the front. Done.
 The decorations...I'll post a tutorial on the green polyhedrons soon. They're super easy and cheap!
Also, though you can't read it, The sign on the meat says "Carnivors", the sign on the veggies says "Herbivores", and the sign on the water says "Watering Hole".

 The Food: Fossil Cake, Jello Roll-ups, Dinosaur Eggs (Oreo truffles), Dinosaur Bones (breadsticks), Dinosaur Cake Pops, and fossil imprint cookies (not shown).

The Favors: Nests with Dino Eggs (jelly beans), and a little toy dinosaur

The Activities (The pictures will speak for themselves)

Super fun, and easy theme. Hope this helps you jump start your planning for your own little dinosaur lover!

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