
Friday, October 28, 2011

Feed Me Friday: Worm Burgers

Oh this grossed me out so bad when I saw it! Isn't it funny how during Halloween, we seek to eat stuff that makes us want to vomit looking at it??? I guess it's all part of being festive!

These, like the other posts, are ridiculously simple.

Worm Burgers:

You'll need:

hamburger buns
BBQ sauce
any other condiments you prefer (we didn't use anything special)

The concept behind this, is that you cut each hot dog in half, length wise. then you cut those halves in half again length wise.

Boil them for a few minutes, they will curl on their own. Drain water.

Cover them in BBQ sauce, and serve on hamburger buns. So easy.

You'll need 3-4 "worms" per hamburger bun set, so with each hot dog producing 4 worms, you can plan accordingly how much you need.

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