
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Lady Byrd

This is Lauren. She's super creative, super friendly, and beautiful. Not only is she an Army wife, but she's actually served in the military herself, and is a US veteran. Yep, she's amazing.

Lauren was my first friend I met here. Her husband is in the same training that my husband is doing here at Fort Benning. We met at a wives meeting before the opening dinner for the training. Josten and I were still living in a hotel, and they invited us over for dinner the next night. A home-cooked meal is exactly what I needed at that time.

Also, in an indirect way, she and her husband were responsible for us being able to finally find a house that we could move into. They gave us the references and numbers we needed to find the avenue that would actually get us into something quick, when everything else was failing.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, Lauren is super creative. She is an expert seamstress and has made a bunch of really cute things. Among the things she creates are these beautiful purses. She has recently decided to open an etsy shop called "My Lady Byrd" and sell her beautiful creatioins.

So I just wanted to direct your attention to the button below (that I have also added to my side bar) for her shop. Take a look around, admire her work, and pick something nice up for yourself, if you feel so inclined!


  1. Thank you, Sarah, for your kindness. For all of Sarah's followers, the following code will give you 15% off of any My Lady Byrd Product: 12345 Come and take a look!

  2. How Funny that you are LDS AND living at FT. Benning?! I have family there (that's where I'm originally from) and my brother in law is serving there. :) I'm out in Idaho now. I was cruising through your blog and came here from Pinterest (linked your canvas print! LOVE!). So cool... I wonder if maybe you know my family.
