
Monday, January 5, 2009

Crib Bedding

Oh my goodness, this was by far the most challenging project I have ever taken on! I've learned a lot from it, so hopefully I'll still be motivated to do another set for Sienna when we move! I didn't use a pattern for this, I just took measurements of Breck's bedding, and worked off of that. For anyone's reference, the bumper is 13 feet for a standard crib, and it's just under a foot tall, depending on your height preference. The skirt is 54" on the long sides, and 29" on the shorter sides. It is 15" tall. The blanket can just be however big you want, or how much material you have left! I just bought a solid crib sheet for it. If you want the detailed instructions on this exact set, you can leave a comment and I'll post it. It just seems pretty long and detailed for right now. Hopefully Mary's little girl loves it!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I don't know when you will get this comment, but if it's not in a few days I'm going to call you. I started making Cody bedding, I was so impressed with this, well mainly because Cody lost his blankey so now I get to make him a new one.
