
Friday, August 3, 2012

Feed Me Friday: Peach Round Up "To-Try's"

Happy Friday!

Summer is still going strong, and combine that with the fact that I practically live in Georgia (right on the border, and I spend a lot of time there), and You guessed it, I've got peaches on the brain.

I love peaches. My only issue is that I don't have a lot of peach recipes. And the times when I do have a lot of peach recipes, I don't have peaches. Well, I recently decided to stock up on peaches, and so I've been perusing peach recipes like crazy. I've never actually tried them, but I'll share the links, and maybe we can try them together!

Here's some that stood out to me (click links below pictures):

Peach Custard Pie...Tell me you're not just drooling at the title
Peach Custard Pie Recipe

My All-time favorite smoothie, Jamba Juice's Peach Pleasure. Here's a copy-cat version:

Good Ole Peach Cobbler
Easy Peach Cobbler Recipe

And to refresh you in the summer's heat :