...I wasn't expecting you!
Finding out that I now have 150 (Holy Cow!) followers, I feel a bit like I just woke up with morning breath, a pushed over ponytail, in my robe and walked out my bedroom door to find a surprise party for me! Kind of wishing I had been more ready!
I've had quite a few things that I've worked on (and finished, believe it or not!), that I'm now trying to get written up and posted. I'm going to get more regular with posting, I just need to find a good time for myself. Having three kids now is great, but I'm having a hard time adjusting my schedule for anything other than mothering! Not to mention, I do homeschool pre-school with my two oldest, so that's been taking some time as well.
I know, excuses, excuses, but I am going to try to post regularly, and hopefully even do a giveaway at some point! (It's been a dream of mine to do a giveaway since I started this blog!)
Thank you for all the nice comments, and for liking my blog enough to follow it. I really appreciate it!
I'll be seein' you all very soon!